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" The reason is, your spirits are attentive ; For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood; If they but hear perchance a trumpet... "
Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale - Página 210
por William Shakespeare - 1872 - 196 páginas
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The dramatic works of Shakspeare, from the text of Johnson and Stevens [sic ...

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 486 páginas never merry, when I hear sweet music. iHTuAic. Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive : For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Fetching mad bound«, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood ; If they but hear...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 884 páginas
...I am never merry, when I hear sweet music. [Music. Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive : ledge may by me be done, And I am prest nnto it : therefore, sp nnhandled colts, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: From the Text of ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1825 - 504 páginas
...I am never merry, when I hear tweet music. | .v- . Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive : For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colt*, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, loud. Which is the hot condition of their blood ;, If they but...
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The Works of Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed

William Shakespeare - 1825 - 1010 páginas never merry, when I hear sweet music. (3func.) Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive : in mortality : All is but toys : nnbandled colts, Fetchingmad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 544 páginas
...I am never merry when I hear sweet musick. [Musick. Lor. The reason is your spirits are attentive : For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of...but hear perchance a trumpet sound, Or any air of musick touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes turn'd to a...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 996 páginas
...I am never merry, when I hear sweet musick. [Musick Lor. The reason is your spirits are attentive : ster Slender, cannot you see bu marry boys ? Page....your purpose ; turned my daughter into green and, i perchaucc a trumpet sound, Or any air of musick touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual...
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Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the ...

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 476 páginas
...are attentive : For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts 9, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud,...blood ; If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, 8 The folio editions, and the quarto printed by Roberts, read : ' Such harmony is in immortal souls...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 474 páginas
...[Musick. Jes. I am never merry, when I hear sweet musick. Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive : For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts 9, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood ; If...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, with notes ..., Parte 18,Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 472 páginas
...[Mustek. Jes. I am never merry, when I hear sweet musick. Lor. The reason is, your spirits are attentive: For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colls 1 ', Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood;...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1827 - 844 páginas iicrer merrj, when I hear sweet musick. Lor. The reason is yomr spirits are attentive :For do hut es 2] Which is the hot condition of their blood ; [loud, If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, Or any...
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