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" Of linked sweetness long drawn out With wanton heed and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus... "
A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from ... - Página 155
por Samuel Johnson - 1805
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Enfield's Guide to Elocution: Improved and Classically Divided Into Six ...

John Sabine - 1810 - 312 páginas
...melting voice thro' mazes running; Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony : That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Ely si an flow'rs, and hear Such strains, as would have won the ear O f Pluto, to have quite...
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Cowper's Milton [the poetical works, with life, notes and tr. by W ..., Volume 4

John Milton - 1810 - 540 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1814 - 424 páginas
...Themeltingvoice through mazes running; „ Untwisting- all the chains that tie The hidden soul of Harmony : That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber, on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Elegant extracts in poetry, Volume 2

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running; Untwisting all the chains that tic The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the eat Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

Elizabeth Tomkins - 1817 - 276 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running. Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors, Volume 7

Ezekiel Sanford - 1819 - 366 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head, From golden slumber, on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1820 - 422 páginas
...voice through mazes i uniting, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of Harmony : That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber, on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear. Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

1822 - 284 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Select British Poets, Or, New Elegant Extracts from Chaucer to the Present ...

William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains, that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Ganges or Hydaspes, Indian streams ; But in his way lights on th heap'd Elysian flow're, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Select Poets of Great Britain: To which are Prefixed, Criticial Notices of ...

William Hazlitt - 1825 - 600 páginas
...voiee through mazes running, Untwisting all the ehains, that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That heap'd Elysian flow'rs, and hear Sueh strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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