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" Of linked sweetness long drawn out With wanton heed and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus... "
A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from ... - Página 155
por Samuel Johnson - 1805
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English poetry, for use in the schools of the Collegiate institution ...

English poetry - 1857 - 334 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony : That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heaped Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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The Poems of John Milton: With Notes, Volume 1

John Milton, Thomas Keightley - 1859 - 492 páginas
...melting voiee through mazes running, Untwisting all the ehains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head, From golden slumber on a bed Of heaped Elysian flowers, and hear Sueh strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

Thomas Shorter - 1861 - 438 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber, on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English ...

Francis Turner Palgrave - 1861 - 356 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber, on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Complete Poetical Works

John Milton - 1862 - 568 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Early English Poems, Chaucer to Pope: Chiefly Unabridged; Illustrated with ...

1863 - 478 páginas
...voice through mazes running : I'ntwi.sting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the e:ir Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Early English poems, Chaucer to Pope

English poems - 1863 - 364 páginas
...voice through mazes running ;. Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Scraps. [An anthology, ed.] by H. Jenkins

esq Henry Jenkins - 1864 - 800 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Choice specimens of English literature, selected and arranged by T.B. Shaw ...

Thomas Budd Shaw, sir William Smith - 1864 - 554 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head From golden slumber on a bed Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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Milton's Comus, L'Allegro and Il Penseroso: With Numerous Illustrative Notes Etc

John Milton, John Hunter - 1864 - 110 páginas
...melting voice through mazes running, Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony ; That Orpheus' self may heave his head, From golden slumber on a bed Of heaped Elysian flowers, and hear Such strains as would have won the ear Of Pluto, to have quite set...
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