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" No, faith, not a jot ; but to follow him thither with modesty enough, and likelihood to lead it: As thus; Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust ; the dust is earth ; of earth we make loam : And why of that loam, whereto he... "
The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ... - Página 80
por Elizabeth Inchbald - 1808
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Understanding Plays

Milly S. Barranger - 2004 - 756 páginas
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The Kendall/Hunt Anthology: Literature to Write About

K. H. Anthol - 2003 - 344 páginas
...likelihood 230 to lead it; as thus: Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam, and...he was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel? 235 Imperial Cœsar, dead and turn'd to clay, Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. O, that that...
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Shakespeare by Stages: An Historical Introduction

Arthur F. Kinney - 2003 - 194 páginas
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Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions

Frank L. Holt - 2003 - 225 páginas
...of even Alexander's decomposed body: "Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust; the dust is earth; of earth we make loam; and...loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer barrel?"3 From Babylon to a bunghole, the trail of Alexander's remains allegedly passed through...
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Conversing with Paradise

Brian Keeble - 2003 - 196 páginas
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Reading the Early Modern Passions: Essays in the Cultural History of Emotion

Gail Kern Paster, Katherine Rowe, Mary Floyd-Wilson - 2004 - 396 páginas
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Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage

Gail Kern Paster - 2010 - 291 páginas
...qualitatively even as they approached the deaths that would return them to it. As Hamlet explains to Horatio, "Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth...was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel?" (5.1.208-12). But melancholy, as well as signaling the cold, dry retentive behavior of old age (retentiveness...
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Shakespeare: Hamlet

Paul A. Cantor - 2004 - 122 páginas
...ancient heroes against the Christian standard of eternity and finds them wanting: Imperious Caesar. dead and turn'd to clay. Might stop a hole to which kept the world in awe Should patch a wall t'expel the winter's flaw! (Vi213-16) He reads the same lesson of the brittleness of earthly glory...
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Laura's New Heart: A Healer's Spiritual Journey Through a Heart Transplant

Laura L. Fine - 2004 - 154 páginas
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Hamlet a Tragedy: The E. H. Sothern Acting Version

William Shakespeare - 2004 - 176 páginas
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