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" When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely ; which several motions shall have precedence in the... "
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Composed Originally for the Use of the ... - Página 64
por Thomas Jefferson - 1840 - 195 páginas
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A Digest of Parliamentary Law: Also, the Rules of the Senate, and House of ...

Oliver Morris Wilson - 1869 - 588 páginas
...motion shall be received, but To adjourn. To lie on the table. For the previous question. To postpone to a day certain. To commit or amend. To postpone indefinitely. Which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. See Rule 42, H. of R. 1636. The word question in this rule refers...
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Legislative Documents, Volume 2

Iowa. General Assembly - 1870 - 856 páginas
...commit or amend; to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in the oraci in which they are arranged, and no motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit or postpone indefinitely, being decided, shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage...
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Proceedings: General Index to Volumes One to Fifty of the Proceedings of the ...

American Pharmaceutical Association - 1870 - 482 páginas
...motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely ; which several motions have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. A motion to adjourn shall be decided without...
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Constitution of the United States of America: With the Amendments Thereto ...

United States - 1871 - 546 páginas
...lie on the table, for the tions, and of oth- . .. i , . crsoverit. previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely;...commit, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided, Motion t<> com. shall be again allowed on the same day, and at the samepeutea at wmio stage of the...
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Journal: 1st-13th Congress . Repr. 14th Congress, 1st Session ..., Volume 1

United States. Congress. House - 1871 - 304 páginas
...motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged — March 13, 1822; and no motion to postpone to a day certain,...
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Legislative Documents, Volume 2

Iowa. General Assembly - 1872 - 1368 páginas
...certain ; to commit or amend; to postpone iudet nitely ; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged, and no motion to postpone to a day certain. to commit or postpone indefinitely, being decided, shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage...
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Freemasonry and its jurisprudence

Chalmers Izett Paton - 1872 - 464 páginas
...postpone indefinitely, which several motions, in accordance with Parliamentary usage, have precedence in the order in which they are arranged; and no motion to postpone to a certain time, to commit, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided, is again allowed at the same communication....
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State of Wisconsin Blue Book

1873 - 550 páginas
...shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without dehate. MOTIONS NOT TO RE RENEWED. US. A motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone Inde6nitely, being decided, shall not be again allowed on the same day, and at the same etage of the...
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Constitution of the United States of America, with the Amendments Thereto ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rules - 1874 - 564 páginas
...motiontoamend. recejve(i ^uj jo a<jjOurn, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. — Rule 42. Motion to strike A motion to strike out the enacting...
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State of Wisconsin Blue Book

Wisconsin - 1874 - 544 páginas
...shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate. MOTIONS NGT TO RE RENEWED. SS. A motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone Indefinitely, being decided, shall not be again allowed on the same day, and at the same stage of the bill or proposition. MOTIONS, now...
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